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We have many programs we offer at our center. We have the puppet truck come visit every three months and the children love interacting with the puppets.  We have lots of family engagement events like Thanksgiving dinner, Fall Festival, and our annual Christmas Program. We offer Frog Street Curriculum in our classrooms and GOLD assessments. 

Puppet Truck

The children enjoy interacting with the puppets after watching the puppet show.  We have been visited by "Anansi the Spider", and "Puss in Boots". 

Garden Curriculum

Ms. Brenda meets with the Pre-K students every Wednesday to teach a garden lesson and allow the children time to help out in the garden, along with planting seeds, watering plants, and exploring what they are learning.  



August 10th

We begin our work with United Way 

August 11th

Visit from the Puppet Truck

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